Hi, I’m Jodi Alexander

The short version

Are you tired of living with constant pain? Or told your diagnosis has one of two options:

drugs or surgery?

I was - so I kept looking and eventually found natural therapies that began to help me get out of pain and feel better.

And that’s my passion now - helping you do the same thing.

My two main focuses now are

1) Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)

2) Stem Cell Therapy

There’s more to my story (and you can read the longer version below) - but just know that if you’re looking for other safe, natural and effective options … they exist.

the longer version

I played sports all the time growing up. I was offered a scholarship to play volleyball in college. But constantly pounding my knee joints eventually took a toll.

By the time I was in my late 20’s my doctor told me I had the knees of a 50 year old & it was hard to do normal activities. The pain over the years went from bad to worse.

So I went to my doctor again.

“You’re going to have to get a knee replacement in the next few years. We can put you on some anti-inflammatories and cortisone shots in the meantime.”

There’s those two options again and I didn’t like what I was hearing.

About that time my life had taken a different direction. My kids were in school and I decided to specialize in NeuroRegenerative Therapy and start my own business. It’s a great modality and it really helped my clients alignment issues.

While I was in Florida training, I was introduced to umbilical cord stem cell therapy. Basically, after a healthy Mom gives birth to a healthy baby she opt’s to donate her umbilical cord blood.

The stem cells in the cord blood are vibrant and very active. Plus, it’s an extremely quick procedure (less than 10 minutes) and safe (you don’t have to do any blood typing - so anyone can get them).

Within a few short hours my mobility had improved because the inflammation was almost gone. Months later, because I had such great results the first time, I decided to continue every few months to stay ahead of the degeneration of my knee.

The next year I discovered PEMF. Pulse Electromagnetic Field.

After only one hour on the machine my knee pain went from a level 9 to a level 2-3, on a pain scale of (1-10, 10 being the highest)

Now the pain did come back - but I learned the more I use the machine, the longer the pain stayed away.

a business idea is born and we go all in

Once I stumbled on PEMF I learned that there were practitioners across the country that did this and made a business out of it.

I wanted people to experience what I did and I wanted to own my own business.

But the banks were having a hard time loaning us the money. Not near enough to cover buying multiple machines and doing a build out on a new commercial space - as well as all the other costs to get going.

So my husband and I decided to sell our home and put our vehicles up as collateral.

I worked my butt off marketing and turned a profit month 1.

It’s been a great ride and I love helping people.

But what I love even more is giving people options.

Can PEMF or Stem Cells help you?

Check out my blog. I share success stories, studies and articles on a regular basis.

See for yourself how PEMF & Stem Cells can empower your body to regenerate, recover & be a healthier you.